A mere snippet

Created by Rachel 2 months ago
Let’s take a trip down memory lane
From Coalway Road then to Springhill Lane
Hundreds of ponies, playing football in goal 
Family Christmases and an Atari game

A house in the tree, then a move to Ingestre
Attempts to play snooker; shared passion for rugby 
More family Christmases and Trivial Pursuit
Unbelievably never falling into complete disrepute 

‘Twas then on to Ross and more parties galore
With all of our children, Uncle John they adored
Inflatables and water slides and the millennium too
It was always such fun celebrating with you

Tim and Rob could never stick with the pace
When Uncle John always picked me for the boat race
Double plus gins and red wine ‘til we dropped
Auntie Anna heard shouting ‘will you two please stop!’
Family Christmases more Trivial Pursuit
Some things never changed, it was always a hoot

‘‘Twas then on to Highcliffe with a gate with a code
Sausages, Wolves and sometimes a toad
Were passwords we chanted, a new one each day 
Not knowing the hidden remote was obliging the way

Long walks on the beach, a cold swim in the pool
To prove you were hardy…was always the rule
Some things never changed a warm welcome and smile
Double plus gins and two bottles of wine

So here’s a mere snippet of memories of life
With John as my Uncle and Anna his wife
Every moment I cherish not a second I’d swap
Not even our Annie shouting ‘‘Will you two please stop!’